Field Trips Survey

Thanks for your interest in Pro-Art Field Trips!

We are trying to gauge the different interests in our community for group travel, themed around arts performances and exhibitions in major art-centers of the world. The trips would be organized and led by Pro-Art with the potential assistance of experts from our community or the location to which we would travel. Trips would include transportation to and accommodations in major metropolitan areas and would feature visits to theater, concerts, dance, architecture, museums, landmarks, and restaurants.

If you think you might be interested in traveling with other members of our community on group excursions to arts-centers, please help us to understand your opinions and preferences on a few of the important factors for group travel below. If you know others who might be interested in this sort of travel experience, please refer them to this survey as well. We will need to have a reasonable level of interest to pursue travel options and discounts available to groups, so help us to get the word out through your friends, family and social networks.

If we have enough interest to move forward in planning a trip, we will have an interest meeting in the fall to gauge more detailed interests and provide more information. Thanks!

Please select all of the regions listed below that you would you be interested in traveling to on Pro-Art’s Field Trips:

Please select all the times of year that you are interested in considering for travel:

Understanding the price will determine the extent of travel and programming, please select all the price ranges that you would consider for these group travel experiences.

Please select all transportation modes that you are willing to consider for traveling:

Please select all types of lodging that you would be willing to consider for such travel:

What sort of arts activities are you most interested in experiencing while traveling on Pro-Art’s Field Trips? Select as many as you think represent your top interests!

Are there any of the listed arts activities that you would NOT participate in if included in group travel programming?

Please list any special accommodations that you might require for group travel, including concerns for mobility, medical needs, lodging, eating, transport, etc.

What else would you like us to know about your interest in group travel to arts centers.

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