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What's your Yosemite story?

2023 is Yosemite Conservancy's 100th anniversary. And one of the ways we're celebrating 100 years of impact in the park is by sharing the stories of people who make our work possible — YOUR stories!

Want to help us out?

Tell us about your experiences — from the life-changing to the mundane — by answering the questions below!

We're accepting stories on a rolling basis all year — and in multiple formats! Use the form below for written submissions. Please use this form instead for audio and video submissions.

Have questions? Email us at

Image courtesy @TravelsWithCarolyn

Please list your name as you'd prefer to see it credited/in print.

How can Yosemite Conservancy staff contact you with questions about your story?

Please enter your contact information (email, phone number, or mailing address).

Please select all that apply.

What Yosemite stories do you love to tell? It could be: 

• A moment in Yosemite that changed you 

• How you fell in love in/with Yosemite

• The day you survived Yosemite

• If there were absolutely no limitations (your own or the park’s), where would you like to go in Yosemite and why? 

• The strangest thing you’ve seen on the trail / in Yosemite

• Any Yosemite regrets?

(2000 character limit. If you need more space, please upload a document below.)


Click to choose a file or drag here

Size limit: 10MB per file

Please upload any images or documents associated with your story.


Yosemite Conservancy uses donated stories and images in a variety of materials, including in digital communications, such as our fundraising emails, website, videos, social media posts, blogs, and enewsletter; and in printed pieces, such as mailings to current and prospective donors, brochures, posters and our semi-annual magazine.

This permission confirms that you grant Yosemite Conservancy non-exclusive, revocable at will, royalty-free worldwide and sub-licensable rights to reproduce, adapt, publish and publicly display your photo(s) and story, as well as create derivative works. Please complete and return this form at your earliest convenience.